Password Security sederhana dengan C++

User dapat memasukkan password nya pada program ini.
Apabila password yang dimasukkan benar, akan muncul output message bahwa password benar.
Apabila password yang dimasukkan salah, akan muncul output message bahwa password salah.

Password = program

Berikut adalah contoh outputnya

Apabila password salah

Apabila password benar

Berikut adalah source code C++ nya
 //Auther  : oursharingciub  
 //Date   : September 26, 2014 Firday  
 //Email  :  
 //Tool   : Dev C++  
 //Language : C++  
 //Notice: Reference Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada programming  
 #include <iostream>  
 #include <conio.h>  
 #include <string>  
 #include <windows.h>  //system(), Sleep( )  
 #include <time.h>  
 using namespace std;  
 const int PASSLEN= 7 ; //The length of password  
 string PassGet( void ); // Get the password  
 void Menu( void );  //The start menu  
 //******** main function **********  
 int main( void )  
      getch(); //wait untill enter any key  
      return 0;  
 //****** PassGet and menu function*****  
 string PassGet( void )  
      char password[ PASSLEN ]= { '\0' };  
      char letter;  
      int loop;  
      int len;   
      string password2;  
      len= 0;  
      loop= 0;  
      letter= '\0';  
      while( letter!= '\r' )  //Caarrige return character  
        letter= getch();  
           if( letter== '\b' && password[ 0 ]== '\0' )  
             loop= 0;  
             len= 0;  
                if( letter== '\b' && password[ 0 ]!= '\0' ) // \b :backspace  
                  cout<< "\b";  
                  cout<< " ";  
                  cout<< "\b";  
                  password[ loop ]= '\0';  
                  len-- ;  
                  if( isprint( letter )!= 0 && loop< PASSLEN )  
                    password[ loop ]= tolower( letter );  
                    cout<< "*";  
                     if( loop<= PASSLEN )  
      //Convert Password from character  
      loop= 0;  
      password2= "";  
      while( loop< len )  
        password2= password2+ password[ loop ];  
      return password2;   
 } //End of Passget function  
 void Menu( void )  
      string password;  
      //Get local time  
      time_t date;  
      date= time( NULL );  
      cout<< "\n\n";  
      char str[]= "********* PASSWORD SECURITY VERSION 2.0 **********";  
      for( int i= 0; i< strlen( str ); i++ )  
           cout<< str[ i ];  
           Sleep( 100 ); //wait 0.1 second  
      cout<< "\n\n";  
      cout<< "\n\t\t Notice: Protect your Password.";  
      cout<< "\n\n\t\t Enter Your Password: ";  
      password= PassGet();  
      if( password== "program" )  
           system( "cls" );  
        cout<< "\n\n\n\n";  
           cout<< "\t\t Password Accepted.";  
           cout<< "\n";  
           cout<< "\n\n\t\t Thank You For Using this Software.";  
           cout<< "\n\n\t\t Date : "<< ctime( &date );       //show local time  
        cout<< "\n\n";  
        cout<< "\n\t\tSorry...";  
        cout<< "\n\t\tPassword Denied!!!\n\n";  
        Sleep( 1000 );  
        cout<< "\n\n\t\tTry Again( Y ): ";  
        char ch;  
        cin>> ch;  
        if( toupper( ch )== 'Y' )  
                system( "cls" );  
             exit( 1 );       
      return ;  
 }  //End of Menu Function  

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